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Women Staffs in Indian Railway

Destination Alert for Railway Passengers
Destination Alert for Railway Passengers

Railways is leading by an example to empower women and bring positive changes in the society. For this Indian Railway is appointing more and more women staffs in Trains. Following are the details of stations having Women Staffs as the TTEs, RPF etc. Gandhi Nagar Railway Station in Jaipur, Rajasthan becomes India’s first non-suburban station fully operated 24×7 by women staff, which includes station operations and Railway Protection Force.

Women Staffs in Trains

Sanitary Pad Vending Machine at Railway Stations

Western Railway deployed all women TTE (Travelling Ticket Examiners) staff on the Mumbai – Ahmedabad Shatabdi Express and saw earnings register a 66% jump in a single day. This convinced higher ups to launch a pilot project.

Marking a first for Western Railway beginning March 8, International Women’s Day, Shatabdi Express will have all women ticket checking crew. Currently, of the six TTEs on the Shatadbi Express, only two are women. But Women TTEs are deployed on the platform. In Mumbai’s Western Railway division there are a total of 96 TTEs of which around 50 are in Mumbai. The trial with all women TTEs squad was conducted on February 5 to .

The earning of the railway also increased. The reason for this is women are more honest and trustworthy. Women are honest and the earnings on the day is higher, earning are in the form of fines and penalty from unauthorized or ticket less travelers. Some male staff are known to pocket money from fines instead of issuing receipts to passengers.

But in overnight train, women staff has some hesitation to do the job, so railway is planning to counsel them. Railway has begun to promote women workforce in a big way.

Central Railway’s Matunga station was declared an all women station. All it’s employees, including station manager, booking clerks, railway protection force (RPF), announcers etc are women.



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