Kolkata Metro Rail

Kolkata Metro Rail
Kolkata Metro Rail

Kolkata Metro Rail

Kolkata is the main business, commercial and financial hub of eastern India and the northeastern states. It is also a major commercial and military port, and the only city in eastern India to have an international airport. Details of India’s First Metro i.e Kolkata Metro Rail are here.

At present, the metro system consists of Four lines: North-South (Blue Line), East – West (Green Line), Joka-Esplanade (Purple Line), Kavi Subhash – Hemanta Mukhopadhyay (Orange Line).

General Details

Smart Token

  • Token is meant for single journey. There is no provision for return journey token.
  • Token is captured at the exit gate on completion of journey.
  • Lost token is not replaced under any circumstances.

Smart Card

  • The first time user will have to purchase the smart card by paying Rs.100/200/300/500 and 1000 (inclusive of Security Deposit of Rs. 60/-) and later on get the pass value recharged for any amount of Rs.100/200/300/500 & 1000, up to maximum card balance of Rs.5000/-. A 10% bonus on flat rate is given on issuing new smart card (minus SD) and further on recharging of smart card. Validity of such card is one year from the date of purchase or date of “add value”.
  • A passenger is allowed to enter through the entry gate only with a minimum balance of Rs.25/-(the maximum chargeable fare).
  • When a passenger tries to exit with a card without proper recorded entry in it, the passenger is not deemed to be travelling without ticket. Such a mismatch is penalized by deducting Rs.25/- from the smart card.
  • In case a patron does not flash his smart card at the exit and makes an improper exit, the card is locked. The booking counter deducts the maximum chargeable fare Rs.25/- from the smart card when the same is presented in the next visit and the card is unlocked.
  • Lost card is not replaced under any circumstances.


BAGGAGE PERMITTED TO BE CARRIED -upto 10kgs in weight and not bulky in nature

  • Any person while travelling in Metro Railway may carry only small items of personal baggage, e.g., Tiffin basket, small hand bag or attached case in addition to umbrella or walking sticks required for personal use which are not likely to cause an accident or obstruction or any inconvenience to other passengers.

No person shall take with him –

  • Offensive articles, such as wet skin, hides, dead poultry and gore etc.
  • Dangerous articles, such as- explosives of any variety including fire works, inflammable materials such as oil, grease, ghee, paint, dry grass and leaves of any variety, waste papers, acids and other corrosive substances; or
  • Dead body.
  • Any person who commits any offence of caring offensive goods or explosives or dangerous goods in violation of Rule 4 will also render himself liable for prosecution under section 8 of the Calcutta Metro Railway (operation and Maintenance) (Temporary Provisions), Act, 1985.
  • Any offence referred to in sub-rule shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees for caring offensive goods and an imprisonment for a term which may extend to four years and also a fine which may extend to five thousand rupees for carrying any dangerous goods. The offender shall also be responsible for any loss, injury or damage which may be caused by reason of such goods having been brought upon the Metro Railway.

Helpline Numbers

Metro Railway Helpline Numbers are here.

  • Women Helpline number :- 9007041908
  • Other Helpline Number :- 9007041789
  • Security Helpline :- 182

Refund Details


  • Balance amount is refunded, in case of Contactless Smart Token (CST) and Contactless Smart Card (CSC), after rounding off to the immediate lower whole number.
  • CST once purchased cannot be refunded under normal circumstances if the passenger has already entered the paid area.
  • For corrupted / unreadable CST, a new CST is issued in replacement and the commuter is allowed to complete his journey.
  • For a partially used CST, no refund is granted in normal circumstances; the token is captured at the exit gate and the passenger is allowed to exit.
  • In case of unusual incidents (accidents, service disruption for more than 30 minutes), full refund is granted only at the CST issuing station on the day of occurrence to the token holder in station premises including both paid and unpaid area.
    • In cace of unusual incidents exceeding 30 minutes, a passenger having a partially used token is refunded 50% of the fare on the day of occurrence.
  • No refund is permissible in case engraved ID on the card is NOT clearly readable.
  • No refund in tourist smart cards except Security Deposit( on presentation of card).
  • Smart card of any type is not permitted any refund in case of unusual incidents.
  • Smart Card for MLAs against Rail Travel Coupons (RTC). No Smart Card for Ex-MLAs.
  • Break Journey: No break journey is allowed in Metro Railway, Kolkata.
  • Children below the age of 5 years are allowed free travel in Metro Railway

Metro Train Timing Details

The Kolkata Metro has three operational lines, following are the name of the lines and it’s timing.


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